Starlink, radio astronomy
Radio telescopes observing the cosmos face growing ... Now, experiments involving SpaceX’s Starlink satellites have shown how to virtually eliminate one form of this problem.
On Friday, SpaceX announced it had developed a way to bring Starlink to so-called “radio quiet zones” in New Mexico and West Virginia that house two radio astronomy observatories. Radio ...
Radio waves from Elon Musk’s expanding network of Starlink satellites are obstructing scientists’ ability to explore the ...
Starlink satellites provide internet to some of Earth's most remote and conflict-stricken places, where traditional ...
Jill Malusky NRAO and GBO News and Public Information Manager U.S. National Science Foundation, science and federal agencies are working on new solutions for communications in the National Radio Quiet ...
Plus: Hezbollah walkie-talkies explode in second day of remote blasts; Google dodges $2.5b EU antitrust fine; Aussie cops ...