Warblers are some of the smallest native songbirds found across the Americas. There are over 50 North American native species ...
This rather yellowish green warbler, named for its least ... Compare with Tennessee warbler. In West, the yellow and Wilson’s warblers are similar to lutescens, but both show plain faces with ...
Pine warbler has a greenish yellow rump, streaked sides, thinner bill, and less complete and distinct spectacles. Vocalizations of the 2 are different—pine warblers often give a high ...
DeSimone had the idea of looking at data from banding stations, where birds are caught in nets, measured, cataloged, fitted ...
Birds at Race Point in Provincetown included a Caspian tern, a Sabine’s gull, a Pacific loon, 9 whimbrels, 2 pectoral sandpipers, 150 roseate terns, and 15 parasitic jaegers.
Around this time of the year, several migrating warblers will pass through our area. This includes the Cape May Warbler, one ...
Bachman’s warbler: Bachman’s warbler was a small yellow and black ... It was lost to habitat destruction and collection. Bridled white-eye: A green, yellow and white tropical lowland forest bird from ...
But then a common yellowthroat, a warbler species with bright yellow body and a black eye mask ... perched on a cattail stalk long enough for me to enjoy its lovely green eyes and soft blue segment at ...
One of the most remarkable things about birding in September is the number of strangers you’ll see.
Bachman’s warbler: Bachman’s warbler was a small yellow and black ... It was lost to habitat destruction and collection. Bridled white-eye: A green, yellow and white tropical lowland forest bird from ...
It’s also the life plan of the prothonotary warbler. The English name is commenting on the same golden head but in a roundabout church-related sort of way. Prothonotaries are papal clerks in the Roman ...