A residential building of 120 m2 GIA achieving a LETI ‘A’ rating for both upfront and life cycle embodied carbon would result ...
Surface area to volume ratio is a measure of how compact a building is. In passive house design, it is often expressed as the ‘heat loss form factor’, which is the ratio for the external surface area ...
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A method of construction that uses part of the hemp plant, along with part of the lime plant, to construct solid, insulating walls The new edition of Passive House Plus is available now.
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The amount of active heating input required to heat a building usually expressed in kWh/m2/yr. It is often calculated using building energy software applications such as PHPP, Deap or Sap The new ...
The temperature below which water vapour in the air will start condensing to liquid. This is important in buildings, because anywhere there is a dew point, there is a risk of condensation and mold ...
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