Unlike the other planets in the solar system, Mars is distinctly triaxial, meaning it is an ellipsoid with different sizes ...
"It's the first time an image of the two celestial bodies have been captured together from the surface of Mars." ...
A possible bright comet, a southern hemisphere solar eclipse, and a half-dozen meteor showers (including one that might ...
A conjunction is an astronomy term that describes when two planets or celestial bodies are close together in the night sky. Jupiter went first, followed by Mars and now finally Mercury.
According to a new study, if a primordial black hole passed within a few hundred million miles of Mars, it could shift the planet's orbit by about a meter -- causing a "wobble." ...
What are some skywatching highlights in 2024? Five planets each make appearances, the Harvest supermoon shows us a partial ...
it will be in conjunction with Jupiter and Mars in the east-northeast sky. In the very early hours of today—just after midnight—a half-lit moon will rise in the eastern sky close to the night ...
The Earth will be sitting directly between Saturn and the sun which means people can have a spectacular view of the ringed ...
Supermoons are known for being extra bright, but Tuesday night's will be an exception, as it briefly darkens due to ...
A triple dose of celestial wonder is in the stars this week as Jupiter, Mars and the moon line up for a rare captivating display in the night sky. Called a triple conjunction, this astronomical ...
I pick out North America’s celestial highlights for the week ahead (which also apply to mid-northern latitudes in the ...
NASA's first three Mars rovers — Pathfinder ... Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment ...