Looking for a new study destination? The University of Gothenburg is a non-hierarchical, openminded environment, where your ambition can run free. Chat with our staff and student ambassadors to learn ...
Each year, a number of researchers from other countries come to the Department of Journalism, Media, and Communication (JMG). Hosting visiting researchers is important for strengthening the department ...
An advanced hands-on PhD course (3 ECTS). In order to fully accomplish the course, the student should attend all tutorial lectures and practical sessions. For every tutorial session a short report ...
In 2024-2025, the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research is organising a series of discussions on the conditions for research. The aim is to provide a forum for knowledge development, exchange of ...
The programme is intended for those interested in data, statistics, and life sciences. We provide you with the proficiency needed to work with biostatistics both nationally and internationally. You ...
Title ”Drivers affecting seagrass meadows: An approach for conservation and restoration in Mozambique” Opponent Scientific Researcher, Managing Director Teresa Alcoverro, The Blanes Centre for ...
Alena Seredko, Department of Education, Communication and Learning is defending her thesis with the title Doing Knowledge @Scale: Sociomaterial Practices and Professional Learning of Software ...
PhD student Erik Winell at the Department of Business Administration, along with three other researchers, has been awarded the Outstanding Paper award in the journal Sport, Business and Management: An ...
To help those who want to find relevant articles written by GPCC-researchers we have created a database consisting of peer-reviewed publications from the year 2010 until July 2024 using an affiliation ...
Title ”Unveiling latent variables affecting protein interactions using survivin as a model protein” Opponent Professor Monika Fuxreiter, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, ...
Half Time Seminar at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy.
Welcome to a seminar with Larissa Bolte, researcher at the Institute for Science and Ethics at the University of Bonn.